Generals Patch
Best Answer Knightgamer, 09 April 2016 - 03:53 PM. FIXED: i reinstalled the game, and reinstalled the files needed, and everything now works. The problem i had with game version was an old inf file, that acted like a mod for the game i had installed years ago that no longer works. Turned the infantry into the boss general glad to be online playing with others. C&C Zero hour problem: Old file not found? I want to play the game online with gameranger but i need to update (patch) the game to 1.04 so i downloaded the patcher and half way trough it gives me the error: Old file not found, however a file with the same name was found. Jun 24, 2012 C&C Zero hour problem: Old file not found? I want to play the game online with gameranger but i need to update (patch) the game to 1.04 so i downloaded the patcher and half way trough it gives me the error: Old file not found, however a file with the same name was found. A community patch seeking to improve the imbalances in Zero Hour which still remain after the last official patch (1.04). Zero Hour Community Patch 1.06 1.06 is a community created balance patch for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour.

Generals Zero Hour Patches
Введите код. For those who have issues running C&C generals zero hour for the following issues: Insert CD ROM problem: 1. download a crack for zero hour.. Nov 8, 2017 - Command and conquer generals zero hour map hack. ... Windows Movie Maker Crack is a video making/editing software program. Make your film.