from KHB Photografix |
KHB Photografix can provide copies of Instruction Manuals or User Guides for the Beseler products listed below. Prices are in Canadian dollars, postage not included. |
Most of these manuals can be purchased in the KHB Photografix Online Store. Or to order by phone, call us at (905) 734-4713. |
Beseler Cadet 35 Enlarger Manual
Beseler Cadet II Enlarger Manual
Beseler Printmaker 35 Enlargers Manual
Beseler Printmaker 67 Enlargers Manual
Beseler 67CP Enlargers Manual
Beseler 67C Condenser Enlarger Manual(blue model)
Beseler 67C Condenser Enlarger Manual(black model)
Beseler 67CS Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 67CS2-XL Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 67SC-XL / 67SD-XL Enlargers Manual
Beseler 23C Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 23C Series II Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 23CII Condenser Enlarger Manual(early)
Beseler 23CII Condenser Enlarger Manual(mid)
Beseler 23CII XL Condenser Enlarger Manual(late)
Beseler 23CII XL Dichro Enlarger Manual
Beseler 23CIII XL Enlargers Manual
Beseler 45M Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 45AF Autofocus Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 45-H Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler CB7 Condenser Enlarger Manual(early type)
Beseler CB-7 Condenser Enlarger Manual(later type)
Beseler 45MCRX Condenser Enlargers Manual
Beseler 45MXII Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 45MXT Condenser Enlarger Manual
Beseler 45VXL Chassis Manual
Beseler 57MVT Diffusion and Vignetting Enlargers Manual
Beseler 810V-XL / 810MXT Cold Light Enlargers Manual
Code | Description | Price |
CB6750 | Beseler 67C Dichro Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB6730 | Beseler Dichro 67S Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8195 | Beseler Dichro 23 dga Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8181 | Beseler Dual Dichro 23 Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8185 | Beseler Dual Dichro S Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8145 | Beseler Dichro dg Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8282 | Beseler Dichro 45 Computerized Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8278 | Beseler Dichro 45S Colorhead Manual | 10.95 |
CB8283 | Beseler D.A.T.A. Module (for Dichro 45 Color Computer)Manual | 10.95 |
CB8289 | Beseler / Minolta 45A Enlarger Light Source Manual | 12.00 |
CB8289B | Beseler 45A Color Head Manuals(1991) | 15.00 |
CB8570 | Beseler Universal 45 System Light Source Manual | 10.95 |
CB8135 | Beseler Point Light Source Manual | 10.95 |
Code | Description | Price |
CB8171 | Beseler Analite 500 Darkroom Meter Manual | 6.95 |
CBP22 | Beseler P-22 Analyzer/Timer Manual | 6.95 |
CB8170 | Beseler PM Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8150 | Beseler PM1 Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8155 | Beseler PM1A Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8160 | Beseler PM2 Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8168 | Beseler PM2A Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8152 | Beseler PM2L Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8156 | Beseler PM2M Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8161 | Beseler PM3L Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
CB8164 | Beseler PM4L Color Analyzer Manual | 10.95 |
View and Download Beseler Dichro 45 instruction manual online. Computerized color head. Dichro 45 light fixture pdf manual download. Lennox LF24-45A Manuals & User Guides. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Lennox LF24-45A Electric Heater. Database contains 1 Lennox LF24-45A Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Specifications.
- Sep 05, 2011 Hi, I'm trying to find a manual for the 45A I got for free. Anyways does anyone know a good source for a manual preferably free I'm really tight on.
- A guy named Darryl C. Nicholas wrote the manual and was the 45A guru back in the day. Beseler also named him as the parts and repair source after Beseler dropped the 45A. But that was a long time ago and I don't know if he's still around.
Code | Description | Price |
CB8081 | Beseler Negatrans Manual (35mm & 120 models) | 9.95 |
CBP101 | Beseler Power Focus Assembly P-101 Manual | 9.95 |
CB8400 | Beseler 16 Auto Print Processor Manual | 10.95 |
CB8402 | Beseler 16 Auto Print Dryer Manual | 10.95 |
CB1217 | Beseler Glossomat Model 1217 Print Dryer Manual | 10.95 |
CB4200 | Beseler CS & CLA Copy Systems Manual | 10.95 |
CB4100 | Beseler Dual Mode Slide Duplicator Manual | 10.95 |
CB4500 | Beseler Film Recorder Model 4500 Manual | 10.95 |
CB4600 | Beseler Film Recorder Model 4600 Manual | 10.95 |
Omega Manuals Page | LPL Manuals Page | DeVere Manuals Page | KHB Photografix | ||
The Beseler trademarks and logos are the property of the Charles Beseler Co. All rights reserved. | ||
Copyright ©2002-20018 |
Beseler 23C Enlarger Last Update: 29 January 2014
My trusty 23C Series II grey enlarger, circa 1966 with the new 23C III VC Head
Shown below with the rare Power Elevation control 8140 & 8' extension base # 8118.
The Beseler 23C enlarger is one of the best enlargers made. Introduced in 1956, it is still in
production today. They are easy to find and use. eBay is full of them.
You can contact Beseler at their website:
Maximum Baseboard Print Size
The maximum size print you can make with a 23C on the baseboard depends upon three factors: type of 23C (regular or XL), the negative size and the focal length of the lens. Here are the maximum print sizes for the 23C enlargers:
Regular 23C enlargers (non-XL)
35mm negative with 50mm lens: maximum print size is 15 x 22 3/8 inches
6x6 negative with 80mm lens: maximum print size is 19 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches
2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch negative with 100mm lens: maximum print size is 14 x 20 1/8 inches
XL 23C Enlargers:
35mm negative with 50mm lens: maximum print size is 18 x 27 inches
6x6 negative with 80mm lens: maximum print size is 24 1/8 x 24 1/8 inches
2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch negative with 100mm lens: maximum print size is 18 1/8 x 26 1/4 inches
Understand that these are full frame sizes with no cropping.
Since the 23C heads can be flipped to a horizontal position for wall projection, you can enlarge to any size only limited by the size of your darkroom!
History of the basic 23C Models:
23C Introduced 1956 - light green color then changed to grey color
23C Series II Introduced mid 1960's - grey then blue/grey color
23CII Introduced mid-1970's - black color
23CII-XL Black color (note additional braces inside front of column)
23CIII-XL Introduced mid-1990's - Black color - Still in production with three different heads (VC, condenser, Dichrocolor).
Beseler 45a Manual Download
23C Color Heads:
There were numerous different color heads available from Beseler over the years for the 23C enlargers:
Dichro 23dga
Dual Dichro 23
Dual Dichro 23 S
Beseler/Minolta Color Head (used with a 23C adapter)
Dichro 45 (used with a 23C adapter)
Dichro 45S (used with a 23C adapter)
23C III Dichro Color head
Note: Some Series II condenser heads are marked 'Universal Color Head' on the filter door. Theses are intended for use with gelatin filters and are not true color heads. They are condenser heads that Beseler marked as 'color' for marketing reasons in the 1960's.
The best heads are the current 23C III series heads.
Older 23C enlargers CAN be converted to use the new 23C III heads. Click here for parts list. I use the 23CIII VC head on my mid-60's 23C Series 2 chassis (it now has the 8118 eight inch extension base to make it an XL and it has the rare 8140 Power Elevation/motor lift unit!).
Beseler 23C Accessories:
Here's a list of the Beseler accessories made for the 23C enlargers over the years. Most have been
discontinued; see your Beseler dealer for current availability. Ebay is a good source for these parts.
If you know of an item that I don't have listed, please email me! Thanks!
Negative Carriers:
Cat #.....Item
8048.....2¼ x 1 5/8 negative carrier (645 on 120 negative)
8049.....Disc film negative carrier
8050 Minox negative carrier
8051.....8mm negative carrier
8052.....35mm 1/2 frame (18x24mm) (235NCS)
8053.....35mm (24x36) negative carrier
8054.....35mm mounted slides
8055.....35mm full frame (25x37mm)
8060.....2¼ x 2¼ negative carrier
8061.....2¼ x 3¼ Film Pack negatives
8062.....2¼ x 3¼ roll film negative 120/620 (2434 RNCS)
8063.....2¼ x 3¼ sheet film negative carrier (2434CMC)
8065....16mm x 12.5mm negative carrier (Minolta 16)
8067.....126 negative carrier (28 x 28mm)
8068.....1 5/8 x 1 5/8 negative carrier (4x4 cm Super Slide size) (158RNCS)
8070.....2¼ x 2¾ negative (6x7)
8072.....Universal Glass anti-newton carrier
8073.....70mm Negative carrier for Hasselbald 2 1/8 x 2 1/8
8074.....Universal Glass negative carrier
8075.....2' x 10' negative carrier (2' x 2' image, 10' strip)
8076 2 1/4 Glass negative carrier
8078.....35mm Negatrans (older model)
8081.....35mm Negatrans
8082.....2¼ x 2¼ & 2¼ x 2¾ Negatrans
8083.....2' extension cone - blank
8084.....2' extension cone - Leica 39mm

8089.....2' extension cone - 32.5mm
8092.....645 adapter for 2¼ Negatrans
8097..... 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 Negatrans (older model)
.....16mm (16GNC?)
.....1 5/8 x 2¼ horizontal for 127 film 8 exp (127NCS)
14214.....24mm x 24mm 35mm film Robot negative carrier
Other Accessories:
6731.....Voltage Stabilizer
7010.....Beseler 23C Enlarger Refurbishing Kit
8000.....23C Enlarger (early) same # as 23CII
8000.....23CII enlarger (early) same # as 23C
8002.....23CII-XL w/0 baseboard
8008.....23C Enlarger (early) with extender base
8010.....23CII-XL baseboard
8004.....23CII-XL condenser 110v
8005.....23CII-XL condenser 220v
8011.....23CII Dichro-XL Diffusion Enlarger
8014.....35mm mixing Chamber on 23CII Dichro
8015..... Flat lens board with 1/4' hole
Beseler 45a Manual Instructions
8016.....Flat lens board, no PL
8020.....5/8' Recessed lens board - blank
8021.....Lens board 39mm counter bore on face, w/PL
8022.....5/8' Recessed lens board 39mm, w/PL
8023.....Lens board 39mm counter bore on rear, w/PL
8025.....Flat lens board for 150mm El-Nikkor
8026.....5/8' Recessed lens board with 25mm hole
8027.....5/8' Extended lens board with 25mm hole
8028.....5/8' Extended lens board with 32mm hole
8029.....5/8' extension lens board 39mm, w/PL
8030.....Flat lens board with 64mm hole, no PL
8031.....Flat lens board with 52mm hole, no PL
8032.....Flat lens board 42mm opening, w/PL
8037.....Flat lens board 50mm opening, w/PL
8038.....3¼' extension cone
Beseler 45a Manual Transfer Switch
8041.....Portrait filter
8040.....Red safety filter
8042.....Heat absorbing glass
8043.....Varigam filter set above lens
8044.....Plastic filter frame
8045.....Polycontrast Filters above lens
8046.....Calibrated strip
8047.....Dust cover
8079 .....Extension control shaft for Negatrans
8080.....25mm jam nut
8095.....39mm jam nuts
8098....Special Replacement filter holder for condenser head
8101.....75W 120V for condenser head (new style)
8104.....75W 120V for condenser head (Old Style)
8105.....200W 24V lamp for Dichro Head (old style)

8108.....250W 82V lamp for Dual Dichro S Colorhead & 23CII Dichro (New Style).