Afloat is a small Cocoa plug-in that adds 'Keep Floating' and 'Make Transparent' commands to the Window menu of many Mac applications.
How to fix the Afloat Mac App. Step 1 Download and install SIMBL 0.9.9 Step 2 Build rinckd’s project in Xcode (follow the first link in this post). Step 3 After building In Xcode, right click on the Afloat.bundle and ‘Show in Finder’ Step 4 Drag and drop ‘Afloat’ and “Afloat Scripting’ in to /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins.
Afloat Mac Download Full
Afloat is a small Cocoa plug-in that adds 'Keep Floating' and 'Make Transparent' commands to the Window menu of many Mac applications. 'Keep Floating' will keep the window always on top (even if you switch applications), while 'Make Transparent' will allow you to set a translucency level for the window.
What's New:
Afloat is now compatible with more Cocoa applications (for example, GarageBand).
Afloat is now a preference pane for System Preferences and does not need Installer packages to be installed. Installing Afloat, removing it and upgrading to future versions of it will not require an administrator’s name and password. (Upgrading to this version from the first pre-release requires authentication only once.)
Afloat can now be disabled without removing it.
Afloat is now more reliable and refrains from loading in some system applications (especially those required to remove or disable it in case something goes wrong, like the Dock or System Preferences).
The command known in the previous version as “Keep Floating” was renamed to “Always on Top”. The “Keep Floating” command in this version quickly makes a window transparent and always on top (and toggles between these two states).
Keyboard shortcuts were added to quickly set a window’s transparency level.
the SIMBL framework (Version 0.81 is included in the download).

Mac Os X Snow Leopard For Vista
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